The primary concern of a roofing professional is to keep the rooftop safe. Roofing brackets are crucial, and a lot of roofers choose to use them. These are metal brackets that are used for securing the plank of wood into the roof where the roofers stand while they work. A lot of roofers find brackets that are useful for better efficiency and more stability. They cannot be used instead of any other safety equipment needed by the safety authority. Roofing brackets must be installed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines only. It is crucial to install the roofing brackets to keep yourself and the roofing crew safe on the job. Here are the details you ought to know about the roof jacks, including how to install and remove them.
The roof jacks or brackets are safety equipment that can secure a wooden plank to the roof plane. Roofers can stand and walk on this plank while working. Roof jacks are used in combination with scaffolding, but they cannot act as guardrails, scaffolding, or any other safety equipment according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration standards.
Any plank suspended by roof brackets will not qualify as guardrails or scaffolding. Scaffolding should be enclosed on all the open sides and ends of the platform, and also it must include the top rails that are 36, 38, or 45 inches above the platform surface. This means the roof brackets are not replacements for other safety equipment like personal fall arrest systems.
There are different types of roof brackets with different features. The two major types are fixed roof brackets and adjustable roof brackets.
The roof brackets must hold the wooden board at a certain angle to create a safe platform for the roofers to work on. The exact angle will depend on the pitch of the roof. The fixed brackets will hold the plan at one angle. Therefore, you need to buy the exact right bracket for the roof you want to use. Manufacturers might design the roof brackets for one roof pitch or a narrow range of roof pitches.
The adjustable roof brackets can be adjusted for various roof pitches. The roofers might find it much more convenient to use the brackets because they can be used on more roofs. Most of the roof brackets will hold the board out flat so that the wider side is available for the roofer to stand on. However, some hold the board on the side so that it is possible to stand on the edge. The brackets that hold the plank on the side offer less footing but can hold more weight than other brackets.
Every bracket must list the angle or range of angles where it can hold the wooden board. You must match the figure to the pitch of the roof that you want to use the bracket on.
Brackets will only accommodate wooden boards of different sizes. They must list the minimum and maximum plank widths.
Brackets will list the amount of weight it can hold. The weight will be relative to the length of the board. For instance, the bracket might be able to hold 200 pounds if the board is reinforced by the bracket every 8 feet.
While choosing the roofing bracket, you must pay close attention to the pitch where the bracket can be used, the weight it will hold, and the size of the wooden board it supports. You must read the instructions of the manufacturer to know the specific product offers.
The roofing bracket might list a single pitch that can be used or give a wide range. For instance, some brackets hold the board at 45 degrees list, so they can used for roofs up to a 12:12 pitch. The same brand might offer brackets that hold the plank at a 60-degree angle. These work for roofs up to 16:12 pitch. You must check with and abide by the guidelines of the manufacturer for the specific product.