If you would like custom sizes please email through a drawing of the flashing/s to sales@rollsec.com.au and feel free to use the form below.
Minimum flashing fold is 8mm. Safety edge = 2 Bends. Maximum flashing length is 8 LM. Flashings under 1 LM will be charged at a minimum of 1 LM. Standard bend tolerance is ±2mm. Please advise if flashing length is critical.
If you would like custom sizes please email through a drawing of the flashing/s to sales@rollsec.com.au and feel free to use the form below.
Minimum flashing fold is 8mm. Safety edge = 2 Bends. Maximum flashing length is 8 LM. Flashings under 1 LM will be charged at a minimum of 1 LM. Standard bend tolerance is ±2mm. Please advise if flashing length is critical.